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Biomass is the Future

August 2, 2012

One of the hottest trends in the energy today is the bourgeoning biomass industry.  In a nutshell, biomass is biological material from living or recently living organisms. People utilize it for a number of different things, but of late, biomass has become a very popular renewable energy source. In all fairness, it’s not exactly a new energy source (wood counts as biomass, so it’s been around since humans discovered fire) but scientists have recently found new and paradigm-shifting ways to convert plants such as switchgrass and sugarcane, waste products like landfill gas, and municipal solid waste of all types into clean and efficient fuels. In fact, just recently the White House announced up to $35 million in new funding over three years to support research and development in advanced biofuels, bioenergy, and high-value biobased products.

Uzelac’s Duske Drying Systems and our innovative Bio-Solids Management Solution (BMS) are both driven by years of experience in creating custom drying systems that convert biomass and bio-solids into profitable by-products.  Our engineers have put together countless drying systems that are amazingly cost-effective and eco-friendly.  Major biomass companies like Zilkha Biomass Energy, Alternative Energy Solutions International , and N-Viro have relied on Duske Drying Systems to become leaders in their fields.

Our Bio-Solids Management Solution is a groundbreaking system that brings with it a more effective alternative to land application, land filling, and incineration. It offers companies a truly green process, a program which virtually eliminates fuel costs and is beneficial for bottom line and carbon footprint alike.

Everyone at Uzelac Industries is excited about our role in the biomass industry, since we believe that someday soon, sooner than some might expect, biomass will play a much greater part in satisfying the world’s overwhelming energy needs.

Keep checking our blog for more stories about our work at the forefront of the bourgeoning biomass and bio-solids revolution.

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